Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

I survived the night!!!

First night of camping , Camper Van-style, and we survived....BUT we woke to poopy weather and almost packed up and left.

Friday night was so relaxed and chilled (despite upsetting the neighbours with the frisbee meaning the boys running into their tent, eeek!!). They were not happy campers.....

We woke to rain and cold Saturday morning, so we headed to the beach to walk the dogs before potentially jacking it in and coming home.....and then the sun came out. Our friends also arrived at the beach, some of whom went in the sea body boarding. All 7 dogs had a whale of a time. We then hit the pub and spent the afternoon chatting and chilling. Fish and chips was followed by more boozing back at camp and lots of chatting and games.

Seriously fun. I am a convert.......although, you wouldnt catch me in a tent. One of our friends was up at 3am hammering in his tent posts after the winds lifted them out!!

It is tiring though, but the views were worth it.......I am a surf chick at heart (maybe just a fair weather camper though!!)

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