A Natural Mirth

By captaincharisma

It's a tough job...

Well here we are again. After being absent from blipfoto for close to 2 months I felt a new blip was well overdue...

The reason for my disappearance is very simple, I'm coming to the end of my degree studies and have been up to my eyes in dissertation work and other coursework since the turn of the year! The stress has been a very strange experience but there is a definite light at the end of the tunnel!

A lot has happened during my time away. Some of you may have noticed through my Mum's blips that it was my 21st birthday at the end of March. I doubt very much that I will ever forget that weekend. It was a very special time for me. I spent the weekend with my family including my wonderful baby nephew Harry (again for Deja View's subscribers, you will know ALL about him!) And spent my actual birthday (March 31) with my friends back in Portsmouth. Luckily enough I can remember most of the evening, but photos have helped fill in the blanks (Caged Bird will be proud!)

But since then it's been back to the nitty gritty of uni work. This week has been a hard one, I'm mightily close to finishing my dissertation and this is the week where my supervisor has let me down slightly. I won't get into details but there are other issues in Portsmouth that have been effecting my stress levels and overarching concentration so I made the decision to come home this weekend.

I needed to get cracking on some more coursework, and now that Mum and Dad live only 1 hour away, rather than the near 4 hour train trip I used to have to travel, it seemed like a rather good idea.

Back to the blip however, and this has been my view for the majority of the day, a couple of books about Stalin's Russia, mp3 player, glasses, phone and my trusty laptop, complete with the boss Bruce Springsteen on the desktop :)


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