Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


I took this photo for the hell of it, before I realised just how relevant it would become.

It seems hellweek/fortnight is deciding to stay a little longer, despite having completely worn out the welcome. And I am about to break.

This afternoon, news broke of two more deaths within my circle of friends. The deaths were 48 hours apart, and I heard of both within a 45 minute window. One of these deaths also affects The Boyfriend who had only just started getting it together again following his father's death 13 days ago.

I've come to the conclusion that everything I touch turns to shit. Pardon my language. But it really does. I am a death magnet. And it would be wise for me to just not let myself care about people from here on in, as I wouldn't end up so devastated every damn time I lose someone. Perhaps that's a selfish notion. I don't know. I just don't know how much more I can handle.

So. How do ants fit into this? Well, for starters, I'm feeling pretty small and insignificant right now. But, on a less depressing note, ants are these amazing little creatures. Sure, they kind of irk me. But they are strong. If one is hurt, they do what they can to help. They are many, but collectively, they are one.

Right now, I'm needing The Boyfriend to be my ant... And he needs me to be his.

"What if walked without you?
What if I ran without you?
What if I stand without you?
I could not go on."
~ Without You - Three Days Grace

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