Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Little hands do big things

It's the little things that make us smile. In my case, it's my little boy who made me smile today. He really is my light in the darkness.

Out having hot chocolates (in his case, a 'warm' chocolate) at our cafe, he was tracing my wristband tattoos with his finger, laughing at how "yucky" the new one feels, because it's just about to go through the disgusting flaky/peely stage. Master Four Year Old stops, looks at me and says:
"Mummy, draw a tattoo on my hand. But not a real tattoo. Just with pen so it washes off, because I'm not a grown up yet".
"Okay, hun. What would you like me to draw?"
"Umm... A man. A little man. Because I'm your little man. And I'll still be your little man even when I'm a BIG man."

Umm, wow! Thoughtful, much? At least I know that if he does get tattoos when he's older, he'll put a lot of thought and meaning into them.

So this is his 'tattoo'. He was careful not to wash it of before bedtime, too. He took my hand in his, patted it, and gave me a kiss goodnight.

And with that, I am lifted, somewhat. With the most seemingly simple things, he keeps me strong. Keeps me hanging on. He is the one person ALWAYS there for me when I am down.

"Keep holding on,
'Cause you know we'll make it through,
We'll make it through.
Just stay strong,
'Cause you know I'm here for you,
I'm here for you."
~ Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne

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