Eating for two

Two seemingly unrelated photographs. In reality, I guess they are. However, to me, they are linked. They represent the first and last parts of my day.

Miss T came around first thing to help me make a delicious Gooseberry Meringue Pie. She was very patient with me and the result was amazing.

Then off to town with B, to buy a pair of jeans. My favourite pair of jeans has a wee rip in the leg, where I didn't quite make it over a fence.

Then off to the domain with JL. She is looking after her neighbour's sheep, while she is on holiday. They are all heavily lambed up and were very hungry. I loved the massive mouthfuls they grabbed; like it was their last meal.

It's going to be pretty tough for me not to do the same with my gooseberry pie.

Got to do a bit of tidying up tonight. The EQC men are coming around to check out my house tomorrow morning. I wasn't expecting them to be coming so soon. I have to find the man-hole to underneath the house, plus I want to check out all the cracks and damage so that I can point them out, if needed.

I'm a bit nervous. I don't know why. I'm like that sometimes.

Have checked out Pio's foot. It appears that he has torn the pad on one of his paws. It actually could be a wee burn. I'm not sure. Anyway, the lovely JL is bringing round some ointment for it soon. I've cut her a huge slice of pie to take away in return.

Off to get on with stuff now.


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