
By QuerkyPoo

KINGY ( my old Nickname)


A miserable cold overcast day in Christchurch today with cold Southerly winds and snow to low levels fore-cast. On days like this one has to take what we can get.
The Kingfishers have definately changed their habits and are much more interested in chasing each other and having Jiggy Jig in order to propagate the species.

No more guinea-pigs today I'm pleased to say .. that episode in my life is over !!

We had our 19th biggest after-quake last night with a 5.1 Richter. We are not over it yet & my understanding is -its a mathmatical thing - a certain amount of earth pressure has to be released and its not yet? Lord when will it be??
7,277 quakes is enough ( I think)

The Blips must still go through.

rgds pooba.

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