Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


I'm in a very dark place following yesterday's car accident. I'm putting on my brave face, and looking for some light, not that it really helps. There's been a few little things, but mostly, I just feel surrounded by darkness, and I'm not sure how to find my way out.

My photography is lacking as a result. From over 100 photos taken today, only four survived my relentless, pedantic cull. This photo is the only one I REALLY like. Possibly because it's so mood reflective. Possibly because when I showed The Boyfriend, we pointed out what pictures we saw in the clouds... And we see very different things.
I see a demon's face in the bright part of the clouds, and next to it in the dark, a dove. No doubt very telling of just how dark things are within my mind and heart right now.

"Carry me away.
I need your strength to get me through this.
Dare to believe.
Over one last time, then I'll let the
Darkness cover me.
Deny everything.
Slowly walk away to breathe again.
On my own."
~ Darkness - Disturbed

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