
"Ben want cake, birf-day cake"

I'm not going to be able to concentrate on writing if I'm being bombarded with that kind of request am I...

Anybody would think he knows it's his birthday in three months' time. He has even requested a monkey cake. I don't think I've going to be doing any major cake-structural work again, just decorating!

That's a long time to wait for a not-yet-three-year-old though....

Back to my roots with this picture. Did quite a few moody b/w of Ben last year:
another portrait of Ben
Ben, again

He's changed a bit. He needs a haircut too.

Was a bit torn between this and this, and managed to restrain myself from doing a montage today. The various pictures just didn't have any cohesion for one thing, and I loved this one by itself too much! I love his stripey socks though, and I love that he's still got short little legs that dangle :)

I gave Ben a bath this morning. Promising him a bath was the only way to get him to give me a break while I was having my bath. But unfortunately letting him have a morning bath appears to have had consequences.... mainly, messing up his day/night wiring. By lunchtime he was begging for his pyjamas, and after his nap this afternoon he was begging to go back to bed again and looked utterly confused as to why it was still light and we weren't in bed.

But, he was happy enough to come to the hospital to see baby again on the hospital tv. Somehow he knew that there was a car and a dinosaur in my handbag. How he knew that I will never know - the dinosaur was put there two weeks ago, and I can only assume Ben put the car there recently... I discovered it yesterday anyway! Baby is all fine by the way :) I now have a whole two weeks off from visiting the hospital for any (scheduled) reason. That's almost a holiday.

Came back from the hospital via the shop, Ben was given the huge task of choosing a cake. He chose a chocolate iced donut and got home and ate all the chocolate off the top before leaving the rest! He's just been back to it to see if he can get any more chocolate off. Hmm. He doesn't really do cake. Just the icing.

It has been a bit chaotic today. Ben has not wanted to put any of his toys away before getting the next lot out. Any I thought we were doing so well as well, the last couple of days he's been really good at putting one lot away first! Hey ho, that's the way it goes isn't it.

Teatime now. Sausage and mash, yum! Nobody seems particularly able to concentrate on any one thing at the moment so it's quite a feat that dinner hasn't been burnt.

Will attempt to catch up later :)

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