to refrain from drawing to attention

Due to something weird happening during the publishing-via-email process, this ended up being called "=?utf-8?B?dG8gcmVmcmFpbiBmcm9tIGRyYXdpbmcgdG8gYXR0" rather than the title above, which I couldn't quite remember but which was stored in my phone. I was initially puzzled then remembered that as I'd sent it in from my phone it wouldn't have been something which was tested when testing of publish-via-email was being tested as neither my phone nor the email client it uses existed back then.

As Mr David seems to think that walking a mile takes twenty minutes we diverted from the original preferred target cakeshop to a slightly less impressive but much more spacious example much closer-by, which left more time to eat cakes but required much less effort to get to and from.

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