Watch Your Step

The prodigal son has once again returned from Beantown with hopes of securing a job and building himself a palace worthy of him to live. Construction has started on his room led by Captain/Cousment Michael. The carpet has been tossed, crown molding has been removed, my mother has complained, and holes have been made in the wall. In due time his room will take the lead (from mine) for biggest room in the house.
In the meantime I seem to have acquired a new roommate. Patrick's gigantic bed is taking up a significant amount of space in my perfectly cluttered room. We're once again 8 years old sharing a tiny bedroom with him warning me not to grind my teeth.

To quote Kel when Keenan comes up with a ridiculous scheme...

"Ahhh here it goes"
-Kel (Keenan And Kel)

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