Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Household object in disguise

To my shame, it was all I could manage today to get out for a quick trip to the local shop, which is why today's blip is an inside job. Realising that I was unlikely to get out and about, I happened to point the iPhone at the first thing to catch my eye. A bit of jiggery pokery later on, and here it is: today's blip. Question is: what is it exactly?

Actually, I'm being unfair to myself. It wasn't that I was just lazy and uninclined to stick my nose outside the door. I was actually busily working away for the guts of the afternoon, putting together a proposal for a re-design of the infamous quarterly magazine. I could swear that the idea for what I ended up doing came to me last night while I was asleep, but that may not be true (maybe I was mulling things over as I lay fully awake or half awake). Anyway, things turned out quite well, and I hope the client's reaction will be positive when I hear back on Tuesday after the holiday weekend.

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