Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hats entertainment

It seems impossible to try on hats in a shop without descending into a happy silliness, it just brings out the giggly juvenile side of people. So it was today. We eventually settled on a wide brimmed sparkly straw affair, the sort of thing Lady Gaga might wear if she worked on a farm.

Average lifecycle of a hat in my experience is

1) Choose hat and buy it
2) Wear hat for a while
3) - Option a - lose it somewhere in a cafe or on a bus
- Option b - Destroy it by sitting on it or ripping or staining it
4) Vow never to bother with a hat again
5) Get hot / cold / grumpy and go out and look for a new one 24 hours later
6) Go back to (1)

Enjoyed taking this pic. Mirrors are fun, like hats. This was a bit of a classic foreground context - middle distance subject - background close down composition.

TSM seemed very happy with her headgear. Didn't get anything for me. It's out there I know: like Harry Potter and wands, the hat will choose me when the time is right.

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