Netters and co

By Netters

A day out

Oh I am shattered ! I treated my eldest , her son and Freya to a day out at Twin Lakes today, we had a super time ! The kids loved it , and I think my eldest rather liked it too ! we got soaked on the log flume, rode rollercoasters, went on those silly boat things that are impossible to steer , had many goes on the huge slide in the soft play area and petted animals in the farmyard.

This is my wonderful grandson hugging a goat, such a loving little chap.

We managed a whole day without too many meltdowns, the only major incident came in the gift shop, Freya faced with too much choice led too a massive crying meltdown over a stuffed deer of all things , we had words.

I left Jemima with Rob for the day armed with many bottles of expressed milk, they both survived, my house however .... hmmm lets just say I had to make the bed, take rubbish out, wash up etc etc . but my baby was happy .

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