Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Nursery Rhyme #6 Rain, Rain Go Away!

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!

Apparently this rhyme refers to the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. The English Fleet were heavily outnumbered but the Spaniards encountered stormy weather.

As for me, it is the only thought on my mind today.I needed a cheerfully edited blip of the rain-soaked Cotinus to cheer me up! It has rained here all day and threatens to continue to do so. We are setting up our marquee tomorrow morning at a historically good venue, but one which is prone to becoming waterlogged. A new organiser has taken the site for a Game Fair. The visitors would be right for our product, but will the weather encourage them to come?

Think of us, please, it hasn't been a good show season and we rely on it for publicity.

Round and round the garden is here.

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