this luminous life.

By Laura

Free Bird.

Lynyrd Skynrd.

Today was my last day of class. Ever.
And what better ending to my last class,
than a trip into town for some ice cream?? :)
My education class enjoyed some time outdoors
eating ice cream, hanging out, and enjoying the weather.

While in town, I saw this bird perched on someone's shoulder and asked for a picture. (This is my third animal picture in a row?) I took several pictures before the leash was removed and he remained standing free. He seemed happy to have the leash removed! (The entire time, he was picking at it.) In one of the photos, the bird has white feathers but in the other, you can see the colored underside. Other blip choices: purse stand and sign outdoors (which I'd like more if it wasn't for the white sign in the left corner).

I'm feeling pretty good right now. :)

[A year ago today... art display.]

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