Clark Tales

By cclark

Fat man scoop and the Brooklyn Queen!

Look who Gemma and I found at the fringe, well his twin! It made her crack up, as caught in this precious moment!

FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY- A whole day working with the police again, managed to squeeze in training, 2 clients and numerous phone calls! If I'm not without any plans I'm squeezing the life outta the day. I feel I did some good so I don't mind feeling totally beat!

Straight after work it was time to head to EDINBURGH FOR THE FRINGE! Thanks to Janis for obtaining the tickets to Fisky and Mannish !! What a great, unusual, well thought out, and brilliant show. If anyone has any liking of music in anyway its defo worth seeing. It is hard to explain the show but it is brilliant. It is a comedy, but was nice to go to a non stand up show at the fringe for once. Defo worth checking them out!

We then proceeded to have a great time in the Pastures at the Udderbelly! The main theme of the night seemed to be meeting people who looked like vague celebrities as in the pic. Not only did we find Fat Man Scoop, we also met and spoke with Alec Baldwin, but only at this character from Bettlejuice. We also found loads of TALL people for me to have my photo taken with. This is funny due to my shortness, though we did find a japanese lady who was shorter than me, though having spent a lot of time in asia this is not new information and not hard to achieve, but my friends still find it intriguing haha. There was one secuirty guard who when asked for a pic gave a firm NO! I walked away ranting something about us both being at the equal but opposite ends of the same spectrum. We did get a shot with him later,it was taken covertly, with me scared of be ejected from the premises Its doesn't quite do our height difference justice but its all I could do lol. x

McDs drive through on the way home ended off the night brilliantly!

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