A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

It's the view they come for!

This is the view of Half Dome and part of the Yosemite Valley. I am told that the smooth shape is caused by the sculpting of glacial movement as are the gouges on the rocks to the right of the valley (don't remember the correct term). The rock is granite left behind after the erosion of softer rocks.

This is the view from Glacier Point and it is magnificent - worth the journey and the crowds at this time of year.

The Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove of sequoias inspired the National Park idea in the 19th century and it was the first park to have rangers. Originally these were troops sent to manage these areas and to keep sheep herders out until 1914 when the first rangers or cavalry scouts were established.

This is a view of the valley bottom from Glacier Point Yosemite Valley

We also visited Mariposa Grove as we were staying nearby, just out of the park at the Wawona entrance -Base of a giant sequoia

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