my corner of the world

By Vic

View from a cable car -Day 10

First we shopped at Roznov to shop for supplies then on with our adventures?

We parked the car at Pustevny, had a walk around then caught the cable car to Raztoka. Some fantastic views along the way. At the bottom, the kids spent hours harnessed up playing on Tarzanie. They had a great time. Jaden is a great climber and really showed off his skills on the high ropes. He couldn?t keep the big grin off his face.

After dinner we walked up to Radhost, finding some fantastic viewpoints. At the summit of 1129m we found a Church, an aerial and a hotel! How mad is that? Think the Lake District needs to get it?s act together and put a hotel on Scafell Pike (that was a joke for all you walkers and climbers out there!!!!!). We are all trashed now and will definitely sleep tonight! Feet and knees killing too (due to spectacularly falling over yesterday and hobbling for miles today)!

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