Little Stoves

Firstly let me say "Thank You!" to all the Blippers who commented on my 1500th. I will make it my mission to thank you all with a return comment as well as subscribing to those who I haven't already subscribed to.

Back down to earth.

Today I spent a large portion of a rainy afternoon stripping down these two, small electric crown stoves in the foreground. They must have been made when the Crown Stove and Foundry Company was in decline. Who would have thought of manufacturing a tiny, electric (2500watt), cast iron stove, especially in an era when metalworks were starting to make things out of sheet metal.

Either way they are kinda cute. I ripped out all the wiring and from now on they will be used for storage in Ramshackle. Right under the older gas stove (not working) and the older combustion wood stove (still working fine).

I would like to add that yesterday, we had a Garage sale and one of the people who wandered through was an 82 year old gentleman called Terry. I showed him around and we chatted about my stoves. It turns out that he is a local, and also a bit of an authority on Crown stoves. He left me better informed about my stoves.
Then I saw him wandering up our driveway late this afternoon. Jo and I were in the kitchen and I said, " Jo, there is an old man wandering up the driveway." We went out to say hello.It turns out that Terry was quite impressed with my stove obsession and on top of that he had noticed that I had built my BBQ area out of local hardwood. He came back to offer me, for free, his pile of untreated, hardwood from his backyard. How could I refuse, although I am at a bit of a loss as to what I will do with it in the short term. Anyway, my point is that I me a Fair Dinkum local from this area who has some great stories to tell and I suspect will be able to teach me a few things. Terry made quite an impression on me.

I am still suffering with the man flu. I doesn't seem to have let up at all this weekend, in fact, it seems to be worse. It will make for a long, long day at work tomorrow.

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