
We went out for an impromptu trip to Lyme Park today with Ben's Gran and Grandad (Steve's parents), for a picnic and a look at the Aeolus sculpture. It really is quite beautiful. I put another view on my other blip account, and there are some more pics playing with the views down the light tubes over on flickr. We didn't hear it "singing" today as there was very little wind but Ben had a brilliant time peeping down as many tubes as he could, and shouting "HELLO!!" to hear the reverberations. He enjoyed shouting "HELLO!!" going back through the courtyard and through the stone gate as well, they all made great reverbs!

Lovely lovely day. After yesterday's exhaustion (really daft, honestly, to think I could still manage a four and a half hour drive in the evening and still expect to function the following day) we both slept SO well and woke this morning feeling refreshed. I had grapefruit to start my breakfast, which meant my mood was significantly improved too :) Ben came and found me while I was having a shower so he sat in the bath splashing around while I washed us both - that was handy, it meant I didn't need to go and find him to clean up all the berry stains! Then off to Steve's parents' house, and off out for a picnic and to see the ducks and to run around on the grass and climb trees, followed by icecreams and singing sculptures and back home again. Dash out to the shop for juice and salad, back home again to make dinner (pastryless quiche - genius! with pasta and salad yumyum) and to put a very tired Ben to bed. Tired out, even with 45 minutes' sleep in the car on the way back from Lyme Park!

I shall be following the bean very shortly, I also am tired out - but at least I'm happy today :)

Oooh house update. Yesterday the bannisters on the stairwell were removed and replaced by the beginnings of a stud wall, and the new doorway into the downstairs living space was created. If it can look that beautiful just in its skeletal form it's going to look really beautiful when it's all boarded and plastered. Today, the chimney breast came out. It looks a right mess!! Apparently it doesn't need bricking up though so they're just going to board over it and make it good. So all the steelwork is up, all the demolition is done, all they need to do now is the dining room floor and the boarding up and plastering and making good. Not bad going, they've got 4 days left and it looks like they'll make it on time. The Building Inspector is also happy so that's good too!

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