Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

MMmmmm, root beer (Homer Voice)

It's the only beer apart from ginger I touch these days ;( I had to give up alcohol two years ago for health reasons, and this nice summer weather just cries out for a cool beer, quick dry cider or cracking red wine in the evenings. Ah well, I feel a lot better for it and have saved a small fortune!

I nipped into my favourite deli this afternoon as my father is coming to see me tomorrow, the first time he has been to this house (moved here in 2006!). I wanted to treat him to a great lunch, so went to buy some quality local produce. I love this deli so much, I think it is going to be a focal point of a lot of my blips.

As I was about to pay, Hollow Jnr Snr said, "Look Daddy - root beer!". Bless her, she knows her Dad.

I fell in love with the stuff in my youth, when McDonalds used to sell it. Then, sometime in the early 90's they stopped citing lack of interest!!!! Damn UK public. It has been a rare treat since then - although I did bring a couple of crates back from a business trip to Chicago once that weighed a ton.

At £1.50 a bottle, it remains a rare treat.

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