Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Dutch Summer Sky

A quick dash to the pond to feed the ducks with Inge, before yet another thunderstorm strikes. Summer 2011 in Holland... The good news is that it wasn't like that all day. It stayed dry for most of the day and we had some sunshine too.

Last night I was reading in bed when I saw something moving. It turned out to be a bat flying around in our house! It freaked me out for a moment and then I asked my friend Google how to get rid of bats inside the house. Simple solution: open a window and the bat will find a way out. Don't know if it worked or not; I haven't seen it since but I did fall asleep shortly after opening the window. I couldn't find the bat anywhere in the house but I guess we'll see tonight if it's gone or not.

Today we watched a football game (my brother was playing) and it was good fun for Nienke and Inge. Not that they actually noticed anything happening on the pitch, but they did have a good time playing. I also met some friends I hadn't seen in a while and we chatted about our holidays.

Oh, and check out the new shoes we bought for Inge yesterday! Nienke and Ellis got new shoes too; they're ready for fall and winter weather.

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