Et Aetatis

By Biota

Unintentional Hurricane Party

Today while in the hallway, I overheard two girls who were walking behind me discussing their "hurricane party." One mentioned that they needed decorations, and the other said she was really bad at making paper clouds. Needless to say, I was amused.

So considering that and how my last entry was about taking the hurricane seriously, it's ironic that we happened to choose this particular night to celebrate Euge and Jon's summer birthdays. After eating Chinese takeout and Dairy Bar ice cream cake to the pleasant point of exploding, we had our first unpleasant experience hearing our new dorm building's fire alarm for the first time. Unpleasant, namely because it sounds like a swarm of angry bees on Adderall is in each ear canal. So as we were standing outside our dorm in the thankfully Irene-absent weather, Annie commented on how she felt like she was in a photoshoot because of the wind blowing through her hair and the pictures I was taking.

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