I'm Luggin' It

Sadly, my quiet back road commute seems to have been discovered by the McDonald's munching, Coke guzzling, apple pie stuffing, sport's exhaust blowing brigade. God forbid the smell of a non-hydrogenated blend of sunflower and rapeseed oil is left to seep into the upholstery of their DIY de-badged Corsas. No, bugger that; scoff it then lug the litter out the window before heading back for a McFlurry. At least when we used to drive out to the quiet lanes of an evening it wasn't to pile the calories on. Nudge, nudge...

And, the worst of this tonight was that I didn't pick up the litter like I had intended to after taking this shot. The phone rang and I drove off after the call. I now feel somehow duty bound to head back there and pick up the discarded packaging.

You'll probably have to Go Large [TM] (R) McDonalds 2011 to see the rubbish.


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