wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


It's that time of the year where job applications are shooting all across the country, rejections, rejections and a few offers are flying back, and everyone's talking about what they will or won't be up to next year. My friend today asked me to take her profile photo for an application. We had some fun. Do you think this would cut it? :D

I have this idea for an end of year and uni project with a specific group of uni friends, and I submit this as evidence that having photos taken doesn't have to be scary or serious. And we got a few application worthy shots today.

Now there's also a little competition going on between a few people who seem to pop up occasionally in my blips. I think this puts Bridget in the lead, with three (here and here) in four days. Of course, the others say they don't really care...

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