Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Specially Clever Musician.

Pity I can't rotate the initials.
I was sufficiently unsure of the Bass clef I had to Google© it, at which time I also noticed he's taken severe liberties with the Treble as well.

If there's one thing you pick up as you go along the Blip trail it's an eye for the odd.
This is yet one more I just could NOT walk past.

I actually remembered to glue on the Canon today, and when that happens I seem as if I insert a different cassette as well.

I took one other potential Blip for today and I've been trawling back to see if I had done it previously, but on second thoughts there will be other opertunities for it, but  possibly not for this one, coz I've just looked him up and he's in Kelso, Scottish borders.

And while I was there discovered he had
Bodhrans (175) in 2 different sizes. HOW in the name of all that's weird can this be pronounced Bow-rawns? Which is how a brace of Irish lasses on YouTube say it should be.
Bones & Spoons (3)
His spoons are, to my eye, a downright cheat. Particularly if you've seen them played before. Coz his look more like HUGE wooden forceps for serving salads with.

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