
Is 5 year is a row a tradition? I think so. So, this is the fifth year in a row that I have posted a photo of a daffodil on 1st September; the first day of Spring.

A really busy day at school today. It was made bearable by the fact that I now have a three-day weekend ahead. Mid-term break - fab!

Rae has just arrived. We are going to spend the day together tomorrow. Because of the Rugby World Cup, our school year has been messed around with. The result has been that Rae (who is at University) and I have not had a single holiday together this year. She also works at the weekends. We'll have some girlie time tomorrow and hopefully a good dog walk at some point.

Had better go and be sociable. Looks like snow outside my window; weird since it was beautiful and mild earlier today.

Oh well, them's the breaks.


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