The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Mightier Than The Sword

This is not the first time I have blipped my diary, I blipped it back on the 2nd of October last year.

A diary is a wonderful tool for outpourings and musings. Whilst I was going through my "tumultuous years" a while back I was seeing a therapist to get me through it. She loved the fact I said I wrote a rambling journal. Free writing she called it. It's a kinda stream of consciousness thing. I do it with these blip entries. None of them have fore planning. Yes, I may plan a photograph, but I swear every entry is written off the cuff. What you read flows from the fingers to the keyboard.

A sign that I free write comes in the spelling and grammatical errors sometimes. I miss words out. You may have noticed! ;o)

I find it very cathartic. It's probably why I love blip so much!

I used to be a very keen diary writer. Never missing a day. I switched to journal writing about three years ago, and find it better suits my life style. Although I haven't written an entry for weeks now. It's my next job for the next few days to bring it up to date.

It's easier to analyse how you feel in the cold light of day, than in the heat of the moment. That's not to say it doesn't have three page rants about work stuff, relationship stuff, money stuff, and coming soon, being done for driving with a mobile phone in my hand.

This fountain pen I have owned since I was in school. I have a strange and stupid emotional attachment to it. I have only not written a handful of entries with it since 1984! A lot of emotion and personal shit have flown through the ink onto the page. It knows my secrets ... it knows what makes me tick .. it knows the inner most me!

All this retrospective-ness has given me a fantastic idea for the next blip challenge dear followers. I shall be announcing it shortly after my 400th blip, which is on the 14th September. As always, if you want to join in, let me know!

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