Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Bread... not Blip & Bokeh

Having swaned up to the Zoo for an easy Blip I found out that September means 17:00 closing time, damn and blast it all! So a quick trip round the corner to Frederiksberg Park for a heron or goose or something. Two meters into the park there were three juve' gosslings and a pair of young swans floating in and out of the shade in their sun-dappled lake. Five perfectly lighted heads in one frame - could have been great. While I hastily got my settings straight this little bugger wanted to know if I was bread or had some. Took me a little by surprise but made me smile at his bravado.

Technically speaking this demonstrates a thing or two about prime lenses (the ones with very low apperture and limited focal length). Firstly this scene is an entire 14cm from top to bottom, so the depth of field is narrow (my foot is in then out of focus as it slopes up). It also shows a shed load of "Bokeh" that I know many understand and one or two don't (sorry Gaz - that's you). Bokeh [pro: boo-ka (kinda)] is the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light. As in - the round bits of light in the blurred background.

Here endeth the lesson (I think that was a name from one of the Asterix books)

You need to go large to see the little bits 'o bokeh.

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