Hope for Emergencies

By eeyikes

Bye Bye Beach Trip :(

Today was our last day at the beach, and I definitely made the most of it. After breakfast, my dad and I took the bikes out to this park specifically so I could get a picture of "the statue of the guy walking the gator". We'd never been there before and when we arrived, we found SO much more than that - swings, fountains, and some sort of spinning granite circle you can stand on. I don't know why it's there, but I like it, and I thoroughly enjoyed my ride! So we spent about half an hour there, and since my dad is the best photographer I know, I had him go around the park with me, giving me tips on cool angles to try in different places. But in the end, I knew the statue would ultimately be my blip.

When we got back to the condo, I looked up Charles Fraser (the guy walking the gator in the statue), and apparently we owe him a major debt of gratitude for Hilton Head being the wondrous place it is today. The (more or less) uniform architecture, the minimal streetlights (allowing the stars to shine clearly at night), the generous green spaces, and the laws that allow us to peacefully coexist with the gators around the Island are all thanks to his efforts when he first started developing Sea Pines Plantation. I love that they immortalized him walking alongside one of the gators whose habitats he protected. Gator-spotting is one of my favorite Island pastimes :)

Thanks, Mr. Fraser! We'll see you again soon.

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