Where does it go?

I'm gobsmacked today. Literally I've witnessed the very best and very worst of human nature, both of which I am not going to discuss. However I've been left feeling a bizarre mix of elation and emptiness. I can't explain it.

I've had the pleasure of another blippers company recently, which I'm sure some people have worked out, and that has really helped me get through a really, really tough period in my life. I'm still stuck in the middle of it, but I can safely say that 2011 has been my 'annus horribilus' (to use the words of our gracious queen) and support that I've received has been amazing. I can safely and comfortably say that the influence of numerous blippers has really been a help recently.

This weekend I am welcoming another of my blip friends to these shores for the very first time ever. I've spent two weekends excited about being able to demonstrate the virtues of my area of the country, and now I'm excited about showing someone my entire country and culture. I'm very lucky to have such opportunities as the last few weeks.

Offset that of cours eagainst the worst weeks of my professional life. I do feel like a Jekyll and Hyde character at the moment, having magical personal moments and nightmare working ones.

I feel for all my family as well. In the same space of time all of them have joined blip. However one is affected massively by the events occuring on an hourly basis and a part of me regrets ever having made decisions that involve them.

I know things will eventually be okay, I'm absolutely sure of it. I know I have a Guardian Angel looking over me, an angel who has manifested herself in many ways over recent weeks. Despite everything I am so lucky because I now know exactly who I am and what a very special group of people I have surrounding me.

I suppose you'll be wanting a laugh as well. This morning I searched for twenty minutes for one of my pairs of glasses. I finally found them and went to put them on my face: no can do. I was already wearing my other pair.

I'm such a dick.

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