Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Camping in Pasadena II

We all decided to go for a hike into the canyon in the midday sun which made perfect sense after a night of drinking vodka cocktails and on the hottest day of the year. I made it as far (a few paces) as a dried up stream bed watching tadpoles swim in the last drops of water till a huge bug jumped out and scared Callum to a shriek.

At just a stroke before 7, the birthday candles were lit and the boys took some persuading that it was actually a 40th, not a 4th birthday party.

Last night's camping: hmm, let's just say it's always a good idea to check the water sprinklers aren't going to go off at 2am. A surreal experience ensued as the jets which of course were situated 1" exactly from my head, leapt into action and shot out across the garden for 20 minutes as each of us in our nice warm tents waited for someone else to turn them off.

A beautiful day watching the kids play in the paddling pools and moments after the cake was cut, a gorgeous double rainbow heaven sent graced the skies above the pretty Craftsman home and in the opposite direction, the first rain since April and then thunderstorm since April sent us all scurrying into the house for shelter.

Couldn't have enjoyed myself more this weekend...

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