Touch the Rose Unfearful

By beana

Beach at Sunset

This is my favorite photo that I have taken in awhile. It captures the essence of everything about the beach in the evening. Children braving the cool waters and huge waves, parents trying to get pictures of their children and finding themselves soaked from the waist down (which is normally how my photoshoots at the beach end up too), and surfers happy to have some wake time without the mass of swimmers that come out during the day. The adrenaline junkie inside of me would like to learn to surf sometime. Maybe one of these days I will get one of them to teach me.

My job has officially overwhelmed me. After eight years with multiple non-profits I swore I wouldn't work for another for a very long time. I guess I just can't keep myself away. I'll always want to be needed.

I just want to be happy here.......

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