Once a Day in the West

By thatpowanwoman

Day 19 - Where I slept

Day 19 of the challenge - Where I slept. You can find it here - the Challenge

A tough one - my bedroom is in no fit state for human consumption, but I have lots of pillows and you can see my pyjamas, my macbook and some notes from a meeting I had this morning.

Shame really, it's an amazing bed - huge, metal framed and very comfortable. We bought it before we had kids with the idea that once we had kids we could all fit in the same bed for lazy tea'n'toast, reading books Saturday mornings. And, yes, we all fit including the 2 x cats and 1 x dog, however we try and very selfishly keep it for ourselves and encourage the kids to stay in their own beds and read books (it sometimes works). I think it feels like the biggest bed in the world and I love it after all these years and always look forward to getting in to it at the end of the day!

Also doing this challenge (I think)
One Day
Anyone else doing it, let me know and I'll post your link!!

This challenge is being tagged as 'photo challenge 082011' for easy searching.

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