
By mollyblobs

Light and shade

It's been a day of ups and downs, light and shade, with some truly amazing cloud formations.

On the up side:

Rosie is much improved - I think we caught the infection early and the antibiotics seem to be doing the trick.

Chris and I finished our stonewort survey of Dogsthorpe Star Pit (where my blip was taken) and found masses of bearded stonewort (a rare and protected species in the UK).

Chris recorded a nationally rare ground beetle from the site, probably the furthest north UK record of a species that is more usually found associated with soft rock cliffs on the south coast.

On the down side:

I found out that my laptop is definitely dead, though I never liked it that much anyway!

I twisted my ankle while out surveying. I don't think it had recovered from the holiday and ankles are always vulnerable on rough ground. Unfortunately, thanks to a lump on my Achilles tendon, I can't wear boots with ankle support.

So I'm typing my blip on Alex's laptop while lying in bed! I need to ponder computer options for a while, though am inclined to go for a desktop with a decent processor and plenty of storage. But first I need to find a place to put it!!

I'm really finding it hard to keep up with comments at the moment and feel very guilty for not always replying to you all. I'm hoping that life will settle down a bit next week, once Chris goes back to Uni, but I may just be overly optimistic. Anyway off to sleep now - Alex and I have another early start tomorrow.

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