Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

A Shadow of It's Former Self

This title relates to my journal. Things are tailing off for me blipwise at the moment

I am just not feeling the love with my iphone and my camera has died and I am unable to afford to repair or replace it.

I have decided to have a little break until I can get my mojo back

I find it hard to just blip just anything for the sake of it. I need to like what I put on here and at the moment I haven't had a " wow" feeling with anything I have taken in the past week.

This is only temporary and I think I can pinpoint why it is happening ,apart from the lack of equipment, and it's something I can sort. ( Note to self, all this speaking in code had better mean something when you read your own bloody journal in a year's time )

Of course, I am hoping that by having this big dramatic speech ( " You dramatic Rach ?" I hear you all gasp.. hard to believe I know !) that tommorow there will be a super duper blip drop into my lap and then I will have to rush back here and delete my Oscar Speech

So this will give me a big chance to catch up and live vicariously through your journals instead oh and also catch up with my running, been for a couple of good ones the last two days.

Bear with me, this is temporary. I see this as today's good thing: the realisation and the permission to take a break .( Christ, could I sound anymore like a therapist!). The other good thing is that there is some amazing stuff going on from local blippers round here. Check out these journals from Sgwarnog and Earthdreamery . Stuff to make you smile indeed.

See you soon



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