Journey Through Time

By Sue

Tooth #30

Poor tooth #30. It's had such a troubled life. Over the many years it's had cavities, not one, not two, but three different caps/crowns put on it, root canal, and then it had the tip of one of the roots snipped off as I had a bone infection around it. That's where the specialist accesses that at the bottom by going in through your gum. Then, finally, the coup de gras, when the root broke and more infection. Buh bye tooth #30. You hung in there as long as you could.

Never been to a dental appointment where they put a blood pressure monitor on your arm and leave it there for the whole procedure, plus the heart monitor thingie they put on your finger. Couldn't decided if this was nice or added to the anxiety. I told them that when I was 12 and had 2 teeth removed, the dr. told me to put a wet teabag in my mouth and bite down on it. Now they think I'm going to have cardiac arrest. My how times have changed.

Must amend that above comment. In reading over my instructions, tea bags are still recommended . How about that. Also, I wish I could get a full refund on monies spent on this tooth. What a vacation I could have!

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