Sloe it down

Best viewed sloe large

A shield bug called a sloe bug, also a stink bug, it loves raspberries the best, it will walk all over them leaving a nasty stink, so not so good if your garden is full of raspberries. Mine isn't, but it does contain honeysuckle berries which is another favourite snack! Only this year I've been seeing them, & in great numbers too. I've been photographing them for a number of weeks now & for once the wind was still, so the macro came out of hiding! :)

Apart from the usual gorgeous garden spiders, I also found this guy - please do not click the link if you are terrified of spiders!

Precious load - I didn't want to scare the living daylights out of some of you...

Thanks so much for all the comments from yesterday's (Exeter), I was amazed it hit Spotlight, certainly not my best photo! xxx

I have in fact blipped a spider in Charlie's place:

A bum shot

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