Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG


Yay - 2 days later and 48 miles later we did it!!! This is us at the final stop the Spinnaker at Portsmouth Gunwharf Quay.....blimey!!

I have to say I didn't think I would do it. Half way through today I took my boot off and the toe of my was covered in blood........eek! We patched it all up and I got a text to check Blip about the same time. And I saw this. I promptly burst into tears and got the kick I needed. One of my toe nails had split from top to bottom, not massively painful but really uncomfortable. When I eventually got my boot back on a couple of people who wanted to miss out the next stage carried on because they said if I could then so could they :)

We really pushed each other on and we all did so bloody well!! I cannot tell you how painful it was BUT it was so worth it. I feel a HUGE sense of pride at completing it. It was also for a great charity - CLIC Sargent.

I then had the 3 hour drive home - I desperately wanted to sleep in my own bed. I came home to the bath ran for me and a glass of wine.

I intend to catch up on your Blips tomorrow but in the mean time thank you so much for your kind words and sponsorships, seriously they really spurred me on when, at times, I felt I could do no more

Thank you x x x

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