
Best view Friends large!

This is myself & Commodore - a shire horse I have met on many occasions, through agricultural shows & heavy horse shows, but never on his home ground. For my Birthday we stayed at Higher Biddacott farm, a must for anyone who loves the heavies & also loves the fact they farm 80 acres in the traditional way!

But Commodore *swoons*, such grace, such gentleness, yet such power too! He leaned his head against mine & we stood like that in the morning sunshine for some time... me in awe, he just having something to lean on I guess! ;-)

Here's a few more pictures - there would have been more but Flickr is being a pain tonight!

Farm dog - Dazzle, 3 year old, born on an Exmoor farm

Dazzle also featured on my back blip for yesterday (no internet at the farm)

Wet Dog Day

Lab called Colonel Sharp & Dazzle

Another one of myself with Commodore

Bertie born in May, with his best friend Abraham who's 30 years old!

Bertie with mum Bella

Me kissing Bertie

Sorry, there's a lot of me in this - it just demonstrates how gentle they all are! :)

Had a fantastic tour of the farm & then it was home - totally shattered! Charlie Cat came in shattered too!

Snuggle Cat

I'll catch up with you all tomorrow, I still feel shattered! Thanks to all the lovely comments from Autumn Glory the day before - weather looks bleak now, so expect more rain drops! ;-) xxx

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