Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

about giving feedback

Received some new feedback concerning the my talk at the conference.

The email reminded me of what I experienced in my last hike. Here's a story.

We had found three perfect spots to our tents. The weather was at it's best. Sun was shining, it was really warm. Even wind ceased during the evening.
We had our sleeping bags breathing the fresh air on the ground. When sun had set, gran'pa said something along the words: "I feel a moist breath now as the sun has set. Now it would be a good time to put the sleeping bags to the tent."

I hadn't attached the inner tent yet. So I rushed to make our home ready for us. And to get our sleeping bags in.

What happened? Gran'pa was a bit displeased of me not doing my work on time. Did he blame? Did he tell me how I should behave?
No, he merely said an observation he noted (with his years of experience). And left room for me to do all the math.

After all this I rushed to a dear friend of mine to discuss about the feedback and how cool that was. I was so thrilled of the event.

Now I know that inner tent should be attached early enough. And so does the dear friend of mine.

The next morning she ran to me and said that she experienced the same - and she really loved the way gran'pa gives feedback.

For some it might come naturally. I so hope that one day I can do the same.

I did take a specific part of the feedback given today with same gratitude - thank you J for giving me a chance to learn!

ps. preparing my kuksa for use - did throw the cognac to our backyard. The story behind the text.

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