"I'm an intermediate planker..."

I had been meaning to get either Shane or Jacob (or both) to plank around town on camera before now... and then the Office publicly exploited it last night. Alas.
Still. Shane did what I told him to at Fred's tonight when I took a study break and met up with Brighton, Shane, Justin, and Matt for a burger!

Fred's, I love you, but your service positively sucks. Le sigh.

More to come, hopefully. I'm running out of ideas for my daily photos. (That's not true.)

Today was positively delightful. Got a haircut this morning complete with an arm & hand massage... and then a neck & scalp massage. Aveda Salon... you surprise me and I love surprises. Leah recommended a hairstylist and apparently Brian just went and got a haircut and a beard wash last week or so by this guy: Beardsley.
So after waiting four months for a haircut, my hair finally feels healthy again. And I haven't had time to drive out to Dallas to see my cousin or I would have gotten it done sooner. And it's so much easier just to go downstairs than to drive 45 minutes there and back. Who has that kind of time with this ridiculous schedule that I can't seem to manage on my own anyway?

Ah sleep, you are so good to me.

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