Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Making Mosaics

Not the best quality shot in the world but it captures a moment.

H, my eight-year-old, has a school project to complete over about four weeks, on any aspect of Roman life which takes his fancy. Today he was working on a mosaic. He made his own tessera (or should that be tesserae if there's more than one of them?) then spent a happy couple of hours sticking them to a design he'd drawn. I did take some photos of him mosaic-ing but I'm under strict instructions not to blip it because it's 'Top Secret', fair enough!

When Noodles woke up from his nap he wanted to make mosiacs too of course, so H cut him some tessera/e of his own and the littlest Grant spent lots of time transferring glue and tiny paper tessera/e from their respective pots to a piece of card, the table and himself in equal measure...but much fun was had. I've just noticed that the dog has several pieces of paper tessera/e stuck to his head as well!

Quote of the day from H, "This is good fun but it's taking AGES...I can see now why the Romans had slaves!"

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