Capital adventures

By marchmont


There will be an 'after' in about 10 days.

My south facing kitchen in the middle of a sunny September day. Elsewhere the sun is streaming in, warming the room and cheering me up. But not in the kitchen! It's the green giant, but that is soon to change - the money is collected, the date is booked and soon there will be sunlight in the kitchen too.

Did the 'domestic goddess' stuff today and to-night off to 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy' with fellow blipper JA.

I tried to do a diptych treatment on this with a close up of the tree but I couldn't get it to save as a jpg rather than a PSD file - strange as I've done it before. But life's too short to create a diptych so you'll have to make do with a single shot.

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