a town called E.

By Eej

Dear Ryan Adams,

It's a phrase that gets overused a lot: "I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for ..." It's in commercials for online universities, teeth-whiteners and it's usually said with great gestures and melodrama.
In my case, though, it is true in the most literal sense. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for your music.

It is because of your music that my friend Elies showed me a certain website. I'm pretty sure you know which one because you posted there in the past when it wasn't just a big pool of suckage, as it is now. But through this website I did find some lovely people. Friends.
And one of the lovely people I found was a guy.
This guy from America that loves your music as much as this Dutch girl does.
So, at the end of 2005, I flew over to meet him.
Can you see where this is going? I knew it as soon as I put my arms around him.

To cut a long story a bit shorter:
I wouldn't be living happily in a small town in south-west Michigan with my wonderful husband and our 5 cats if it wasn't for your music.

I've always wanted to tell you, but I never got the chance. Well, there was this one time in Munich when you came up to me and hugged me and thanked me for coming to all these shows ... but in all honesty, that rendered me rather speechless. I think I managed a: "no, thank YOU!" by the time you were well out of earshot.

But really, Ryan, thank you. For being you. For being the talented, heart-shattering-and-soul-crushing-but-uplifting-at-the-same-time musician you are.

Though when you toured the Netherlands earlier this year and my Dutch friends got to see you I couldn't help but saying that if it wasn't for you, I'd be seeing you in concert myself. And I wasn't thanking you ;)

For the first time in history when tickets for the Chicago show in December go on sale this Saturday, my Beloved and me won't be trying to score seats. Life's been a bit of a bitch and at this point we simply can't afford to.
But don't feel bad.
Don't feel sorry.
We'll always have Tilburg, Amsterdam, Chicago, Amsterdam, Koln, Arnhem, Berlin, Munich, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo and Chicago.
We'll always have your music.
And we'll always have each other.

ps. Okay, I might feel a little sad and sorry for myself Saturday, but it'll pass :)

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