The good oil

An avocado from my weekly shop.

I'm pleased to see avocados coming back into season. They polarise people into two camps; you love them or hate them. I'm in the love them camp.

I buy enough to pass some onto to the hunter. Yes, the hunter likes avocado. He may not like tomatos and salads but he purrs happily with avocado on toast. Another surprise perhaps to add to the flowers he picks to put in a vase.

An early finish for me today. I've gone gently on my projects after work. Significantly the financial stuff can be filed. It's done and dusted. I'm ready to deal with the bed shuffling tomorrow. Tomorrow night I'll sleep on a new bed and mattress :-)

My neighbour and I caught up over a cider this evening. Yes, lots of comparing our respective assessments from EQC. I'm relaxed and gently slipping into the weekend with not a project in my grasp. I do need to relax more.

Today I said yes to the work in my back courtyard. I did gasp at the cost but when is it going to be cheaper? It's not and it's time it was transformed into an inviting outdoors space. It will all happen in two weeks.

I'm sure there is something I could be doing but I'm going to give myself an early night.

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