Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Pick a month. Any month...

... June, you say?

Good choice.
Voila: one June-esque photo

(If you didn't pick June, keep picking until you do)

Today we strolled through red clover, cornflowers, dandelions, buttercups, camomile flowers... the grasshoppers were chirruping to one other, the sun was beating down on us, and it was hot and dry - to be honest, maybe a little too hot. The dog chased butterflies, and tired quickly, Tess chased the dog and tired quickly. It was 4 in the afternoon and we looked forward to the cooler air of the evening.
The weather forecast said 26 degrees today. But in the south east I hear it's been even hotter. It often can be in June.

But, hang on - the sycamore trees are losing their leaves, the blackberries are past their best, the hawthorn has lost its leaves and is displaying its autumn berries. The sun is setting at 7pm, not 10pm and there are Christmas catalogues coming through the letterbox.

Very weird

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