Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

At the end of the muddiest ever walk.

It was pouring down at breakfast time and the majority of our walkers opted for the shorter, 7 mile, walk today. The rest of us, "The Magnificent Seven" tackled the Eildon Hills. It was very very misty, but just as we arrived on top of the North Hill, the mist thinned and we were rewarded with views of Melrose below.

The walk included some of the very muddiest terrain I have had the pleasure to walk over! It was mainly red clay and very wet. We enjoyed the challenge. One of our group had a fall high on the second hill and sustained a few bruises, hopefully nothing too serious.

Back at the hotel tales of the day were exchanged. After the meal, we repaired to the Games Room, the only place we can find for our group. Before we heard about tomorrow's proposed walk, the "lads" got going on the pool table. Here is H, who turned out to be quite a useful player (been hiding that skill under a bushel I think.)

Home tomorrow.

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