Spiral 2

I've been loitering around Fine Arts again. My first loiter was here.

I've just spent an insane 2.25 hours dealing with various technical melt downs around home. They weren't all melt downs as such. Let's just say I have a finer appreciation of where the on/off wireless switch is on my laptop and when you shift mobile phone providers it shouldn't be that difficult.

Any whoo it's 9.15pm, I'm finally out of bike gear and showered and are fully fed and watered. Just the clean up and get ready for tomorrow to be done.

Did I mention my munted finger? The little fur child had his own version of a melt down late Friday night. I don't know what happened, I've never seen him like it before. During my usual bedtime routine he completely freaked out. He was seriously spooked. I went to calm him down but he was terrified of me and in his need to get away raked my hand and little finger with his back claws. Not aimed at me but ouch and blood everywhere.

It's all healing and so far no infection. There is a fair gash in the finger and it gets a little sore with computer work. Then there is the other finger with a painful split from wet hands on the domestic front. Yes, I wear gloves and use hand cream, I'm just blessed with my grandmothers genetics.

I will get back to commenting but not tonight.

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