Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Misty Mountain Mornings

A longer walk today that started slightly later than planned when I realised I'd left my walking poles at Withburn Car Park on Friday!

My faithful companions of nearly 10 years, carelessly discarded against a wall while we loaded the car. I don't believe that inanimate objects have feelings (although I swear this laptop hates me), but I felt very guilty when I realised what had happened and quickly drove back to the car park. No joy. I hope whoever's got them is making good use of them! Treat them poles right mate!!!!

So - new pair from Cotswold Rock Bottom. So light a stiff breeze would have them away but strong enough to support 5 of me!

We did a walk that took in Easdale Tarn, Sergeant Man, High Raise and the Coast to Coast Path back to Grasmere. It was 10 and 1/2 miles (important to note the 1/2), but felt much longer. My hill fitness is not what it was at the moment due to an unusually slack year on foot, and the humidity was so draining.

Great walk though, enjoyed every minute! Enjoyed the Post Walk Pint all the more too!

After much consideration, this photo has made the cut. It's the only one I'm not sure I'd necessarily see again in the same light (if that makes sense). We had great views through the day but so hazy! This is looking back into the valley, just before reaching Sour Milk Ghyll, and while the mist was still in the valley.

I think the haze works here :o)

p.s. this nearly made it to the Might Blip

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